Read more about the article Unwrapping the Flavours Of Malawi: Champunga Mkati Recipe
Champunga Mkati

Unwrapping the Flavours Of Malawi: Champunga Mkati Recipe

  • Post category:Malawi Stories
  • Reading time:12 mins read

It's been a while since we last shared our Malawian recipes and we know you have been missing them. This week, we are back with yet another delicious recipe called Champunga Mkati. We are not sure of its English name but let's call it Malawian rice dumplings. Read our latest blog to learn more about this tasty snack recipe.

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Read more about the article The Culture of Malawi: Malawian Food
A traditional Malawian meal of fish, nsima, relish, and beans.

The Culture of Malawi: Malawian Food

Introducing you to the culture of Malawi through a new series of articles! First in the series is the food of Malawi, an important part of culture and tradition. We’ll tell you about some traditional foods and even share some recipes! Read on for more.

Continue ReadingThe Culture of Malawi: Malawian Food