Orant Charities Gift Registry

Orant Charities accepts Amazon donations via our wish list. If you’d like to shop for Orant Charities, simply visit our gift registry, add items to your cart, and select the preloaded “Orant Charities Gift Registry” address. Our US team will deliver all gifts to our Malawi team.

If you are interested in hosting a donation drive in your community, please send us an email at [email protected].

Though these gifts may seem small, the difference they make is immeasurable. 

Help us prevent wasting any donated items.

Please note that Orant Charities cannot accept gifts that are not on this registry. Even if an item might appear similar, there are most likely small differences that can cause confusion for our medical staff and therefore will not be accepted.

If one of the items is no longer offered, please let us know and we will update the list.

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