At the heart of Orant’s programs and initiatives is sustainability, which is also one of our values. We believe in not only implementing programs or initiatives but also in creating long-lasting change that will continue to serve our community. In today's blog article, we talk about why we perform maintenance on water wells and how it contributes to the sustainability of our Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program.
Water & Sanitation
About 20% of Malawians don’t have basic water supply services. That is 4.5 million people. Even those who do have access to water must walk two kilometers to fetch it and carry it home. Most often this responsibility falls onto women and girls.
Only about 6% of the population has access to improved sanitation facilities. Almost all children suffer complications from water-borne illnesses like diarrhea.
Orant’s Water Program:
- drills and repairs wells
- runs community sanitation campaigns
- delivers health education
- trains communities in water treatment
- builds latrines and menstrual hygiene facilities
Orant’s Water & Sanitation Program is nationally recognized. We are part of WESNET (Water Environmental Sanitation Network) and have contributed to developing national water and sanitation policies.
Stories From The Field
Commemorating World Water Day 2024
Every year on the 22nd of March, the world commemorates World Water Day as a way of raising awareness of major water-related issues and to inspire action to tackle the water and sanitation crisis. This year’s World Water Day is themed “Water for Peace.” Read our blog article to learn more about what our WASH program is doing to promote peace and foster harmony.
Ensuring WASH Program Sustainability Through Water Point Committees
We are excited to have trained the Chika Water Point Committee (WPC) as a way of ensuring sustainability. Read our latest blog to learn more about WPCs and the role they play.
The Challenge of Accessing Clean Water in Rural Malawi
We are excited to tell you about the new borehole our WASH program has drilled in Chika Village, T/A Njombwa in Kasungu. Read our latest blog to learn more about how this new borehole will change the lives of people in Chika Village.
Improving Health and Hygiene for Students in Malawi
Our Water and Sanitation program continues to make a significant difference in the lives of students in rural Malawi. Read our latest blog to learn about how we support hygiene initiatives in primary schools in Dowa, Malawi.
A Water Problem is a Life Problem: Interview with Yona Maloto
Yona Maloto has been a Water Field Assistant for Orant's Water & Sanitation Program since 2020. We interviewed him to learn more about his work.
Water is an Issue of Gender
Clean water is a gendered issue in Malawi. Women and girls bear the brunt of the water burden. Malita Chimbalame tells her story.
Madzi ndi Moyo: Water is Life
Madzi ndi Moyo: water is life. Melina Maiko of Central Malawi reflects on the gift of water. A new water well impacts her family and village.
Making Clean Water Accessible in Malawi
Orant makes clean water accessible in rural Malawi by drilling and maintaining boreholes. In 2021, Orant drilled 15 new boreholes.
Reimagining Hygiene for Every Pupil
Poor sanitation and hygiene are major contributors to the burden of disease and school dropouts in rural schools and communities in Malawi.