Celebrating Nurses: Unsung Heroes of Healthcare

  • Post category:Healthcare
  • Reading time:8 mins read

On May 12, 2024, we celebrated International Nurses Day, a special occasion aimed at celebrating and recognizing this noble profession. During the occasion, we were also thrilled to have been recognized as the Best Nurses in the Central East zone of the National Organisation of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi (NONM)! Read today’s blog article to learn more about what this means to our team.

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Read more about the article Village Development Committees Assist Orant’s Mission
Village Development Committee sweeps the campus

Village Development Committees Assist Orant’s Mission

  • Post category:Malawi Stories
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Recently, we were privileged to host a special visit from the Chikamphula Village Development Committee (VDC) as part of their community service initiative. This dedicated group of individuals came to our Kasese campus to lend a helping hand with some much-needed sweeping, and we were thrilled to have them! In today's blog article, we will explore some of the duties of VDC and how their efforts embody the power of community spirit.

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The Bittersweet Harvest

  • Post category:Agriculture
  • Reading time:10 mins read

In this week’s blog article, we talk to Cellina Samson, a lead farmer from Mantchondo village in Dowa District. Cellina shares her farming journey and experience for the 2023/24 farming season. Visit today’s blog article and read Cellina’s story and how she is crossing the bridge of uncertainty, one step at a time.

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Read more about the article New Wheels from Orant’s Healthcare Program
New Wheels from Orant’s Healthcare Program

New Wheels from Orant’s Healthcare Program

  • Post category:Healthcare
  • Reading time:9 mins read

We are always happy when our support brings a smile on peoples faces and changes their lives. In this week’s blog article, we are talking to Andrea Mwale, a 41 year old man from Chapuwala village in Kasese. Andrea shares his gratitude towards the support that our Healthcare program has recently provided to him.

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Read more about the article Commemorating World Water Day 2024
Commemorating World Water Day 2024

Commemorating World Water Day 2024

Every year on the 22nd of March, the world commemorates World Water Day as a way of raising awareness of major water-related issues and to inspire action to tackle the water and sanitation crisis. This year’s World Water Day is themed “Water for Peace.” Read our blog article to learn more about what our WASH program is doing to promote peace and foster harmony.

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Read more about the article Women’s History Month with FEM for Women
Women’s History Month with FEM for Women

Women’s History Month with FEM for Women

  • Post category:FEM for Women
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month. In this month, we honour and celebrate women’s contributions to history and contemporary society. In today's blog, we talk with women from our FEM program, and they highlight the roles they play in their families and Kasese community. Read the blog article to learn more!

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Read more about the article Urbanisation in Malawi: MW2063 Pillar #3
Urbanisation in Malawi

Urbanisation in Malawi: MW2063 Pillar #3

  • Post category:MW2063Opinion
  • Reading time:9 mins read

As we have discussed in some of our past blogs, Malawi Vision 2063 has three key pillars that guide the focus of the Vision. These three pillars are meant to build on each other to create the inclusively wealthy and self-reliant nation that they envision. In this blog, we will look at the third pillar of MW2063: Urbanisation.

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