Read more about the article Water Well Maintenance
Water Well Maintenance

Water Well Maintenance

At the heart of Orant’s programs and initiatives is sustainability, which is also one of our values. We believe in not only implementing programs or initiatives but also in creating long-lasting change that will continue to serve our community. In today's blog article, we talk about why we perform maintenance on water wells and how it contributes to the sustainability of our Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program.

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Read more about the article The Village Chief’s Vital Role
The Village Chief's Vital Role

The Village Chief’s Vital Role

  • Post category:Opinion
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Ever wondered why we always mention village chiefs and their involvement in Orant’s work? If yes, then today’s blog article is for you! In this article, we talk to Village Head of Kasese Village in Dowa, who tells us about her duties and why her involvement with Orant is important. Read today's blog article to learn more.

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Read more about the article Village Development Committees Assist Orant’s Mission
Village Development Committee sweeps the campus

Village Development Committees Assist Orant’s Mission

  • Post category:Malawi Stories
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Recently, we were privileged to host a special visit from the Chikamphula Village Development Committee (VDC) as part of their community service initiative. This dedicated group of individuals came to our Kasese campus to lend a helping hand with some much-needed sweeping, and we were thrilled to have them! In today's blog article, we will explore some of the duties of VDC and how their efforts embody the power of community spirit.

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Read more about the article School Surveys Lead to Better Learning Outcomes
School Surveys Lead to Better Learning Outcomes

School Surveys Lead to Better Learning Outcomes

  • Post category:Healthcare
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Data is one of the most important tools in all our programs as it helps us measure whether our programs are making an impact or when it’s time for change. For the past three weeks, our Education program has been surveying schools in our catchment area. Check out today’s blog to learn more about how this survey is going to contribute to our Education program.

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