Commemorating World Water Day 2024

Every year on the 22nd of March, the world commemorates World Water Day as a way of raising awareness of major water-related issues and to inspire action to tackle the water and sanitation crisis. This year’s World Water Day is themed “Water for Peace.” Read our blog article to learn more about what our WASH program is doing to promote peace and foster harmony.

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Women’s History Month with FEM for Women

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month. In this month, we honour and celebrate women’s contributions to history and contemporary society. In today’s blog, we talk with women from our FEM program, and they highlight the roles they play in their families and Kasese community. Read the blog article to learn more!

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School Surveys Lead to Better Learning Outcomes

Data is one of the most important tools in all our programs as it helps us measure whether our programs are making an impact or when it’s time for change. For the past three weeks, our Education program has been surveying schools in our catchment area. Check out today’s blog to learn more about how this survey is going to contribute to our Education program.

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Congratulations to the Ulemu Scholarship Recipients!

Congratulations to the Ulemu Scholarship Recipients!​ Orant’s Ulemu scholarship seeks to invest in the education of outstanding, hardworking and intelligent Malawian students by sponsoring them towards getting a diploma or bachelor’s degree. Read their bios here!

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A Sponsored Student Gives Back

Meet Jonathan Chikaonda, our sponsored student who got the highest points in his Malawi School Certificate Examinations (MSCE). Read our latest blog to learn more about Jonathan’s journey.

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