Mondays at Orant Charities Africa

Kasese Health Center

The stats are in. And the workforce has universally and unanimously agreed that Mondays were a mistake. It is never surprising when you come across people who wish their week at work could start on Tuesdays. As the joke goes, why is Monday so far from Friday yet Friday so near to  Monday? To most people, Mondays represent a break from a fun-filled weekend. A blot in the week. A lazy day.

But Monday is the most anticipated day for most patients at Orant Charities Africa’s Kasese Health Centre. The Health Centre serves largely (if not entirely) an underprivileged community. With most people unable to afford or access medical care elsewhere, Kasese Health Centre is often their only choice. 

This is why after a weekend break from the normal operations, Mondays are the cradle of hope for countless many. Mondays represent the start of yet another hopeful week. The beginning of an opportunity to access the rare services they desperately need. To them, a Monday is not a nuance, it is a necessity.

Mondays are the busiest days at Orant’s Healthcare Programs. As any of its enthusiastic workers will tell you, Monday is never dull.

We might be having a worst day, but let’s remember that it might just be the day someone needs our help the most. Give someone their best Monday. 

The Orant Journal