Malawian culture has always been known as a treasure trove of wisdom, and proverbs being an integral part of our rich heritage. These timeless sayings have been passed on through generations, offering guidance, direction, and warnings that shape our values, beliefs, and daily lives. In this blog series, we delve into the world of Malawian proverbs, exploring their meanings, contexts and significance. Read today's blog post which serves as a continuation to our journey.
Best Things to Do in Malawi
Visit Malawi and Enjoy Tourism and Local Experiences

Whether you are planning an African trip or just curious about the things we love about Malawi, read today’s blog to see the best things to do in Malawi!
Best Things to Do in Malawi
Though Malawi is small, it is full of adventures and fun things to do! A country of 45,747 square miles with a population of over 20 million, Malawi has many natural wonders and exciting things to see. Read this blog to learn the best things to do in Malawi!
#1. Visit Lake Malawi
The famous Lake Malawi has drawn tourists and locals alike for centuries. There are many hotels located on the shores of the lake at Nkhata Bay, Cape Maclear and Karonga, to name a few. Boat, snorkelling, and diving tours are great for added adventure! We love watching the sunset over Lake Malawi and enjoying a dinner of chambo (tilapia) and nsima with relish!
#2. Climb Mount Mulanje (Mulanje Massif)
A 10,000 foot mountain, Mount Mulanje is popular for both day hikers and serious climbers. Guides are available for hire for your adventure and will be happy to find a route that accommodates your skill level. The sights are incomparable from the highest point in Malawi!
#3. Experience the Majete Wildlife Reserve
Majete is a Wildlife Reserve in the southwestern part of Malawi where conservationists have successfully reintroduced thousands of animals to their native habitat. Over 12,000 animals live in this sanctuary, including zebras, kudu, antelope, cheetah, giraffe, African Wild Dog, and of course all of the “Big Five.” Self-guided and professionally-guided tours are available.
#4. Experience Malawian Culture in Dedza
Dedza is famous for its cultural offerings like the UNESCO World Heritage Site Chongoni Rock-Art Area which features wall paintings from ancient times up until the 20th century. One can also visit the Kungoni Centre of Culture and Art. The Kungoni Centre is famous for the wood carvings the local artisans make but there is also a museum and dance centre. Dedza Pottery and Lodge is also a popular place to pick up artistic pieces, and you can enjoy a snack at the tea shop!
#5. Shop at the Old Town Mall in Lilongwe
No trip to a new country would be complete without souvenirs to take home to loved ones! You will find hand-carved wooden objects, paintings, jewellery, fabric goods, and more at Old Town Mall, Lilongwe! There are also art galleries, a bookstore and Logos Open Culture, Malawi’s foremost publisher of contemporary Malawian literature!
#6. Trading Market Days
In Kasese, the village where Orant is located, Monday is market day! Come to the market centre on Monday evening to find a wide variety of goods for sale, including clothing, shoes, toiletries, chitenje, crafts, street food, fresh fish, fruits, vegetables and more! You will feel the warmth and friendliness of the Malawian people and can enjoy a bite to eat from one of the many FEM participants who have tea rooms or food stalls in the market. It is a great slice of life in rural Malawi! Depending on where you stay, market day may be on a different day of the week, so be sure to ask the locals when and where to check it out!
The Orant Journal
What does Orant mean?
Have you ever wondered what Orant means? It’s not just a funny word - it has a deeper meaning that we’re telling you about this week in the blog. Read more about it here and learn where we got our name and why we are grateful for you, our readers, donors, and supporters, this week and always.
The Culture of Malawi: An Introduction to Malawian Proverbs
Malawian culture has always been known as a treasure trove of wisdom, and proverbs being an integral part of our rich heritage. These timeless sayings have been passed on through generations, offering guidance, direction, and warnings that shape our values, beliefs, and daily lives. In our upcoming blog series, we will delve into the world of Malawian proverbs, exploring their meanings, contexts and significance. Read today's blog post which serves as an introduction to our journey.
As Big as the Sky Book Review
Read today’s blog about the children’s book, “As Big as the Sky”, a Malawian story about a brother and sister whose love for each other is as big as the sky.
Orant’s Values
“Orant respectfully serves and collaborates with our community in a sustainable way.”
The Village Chief’s Vital Role
Ever wondered why we always mention village chiefs and their involvement in Orant’s work? If yes, then today’s blog article is for you! In this article, we talk to Village Head of Kasese Village in Dowa, who tells us about her duties and why her involvement with Orant is important. Read today's blog article to learn more.
The End of Plenty Book Review
Recently, we read The End of Plenty by Joel K. Bourne Jr. An honest and sometimes scathing review of the Green Revolution, this book covers how monoculture crops have led to worsening hunger across the world. As the planet warms, the need is ever more urgent for us to find a solution to humanity’s desperate need to feed 9 billion people.
Urbanisation in Malawi: MW2063 Pillar #3
As we have discussed in some of our past blogs, Malawi Vision 2063 has three key pillars that guide the focus of the Vision. These three pillars are meant to build on each other to create the inclusively wealthy and self-reliant nation that they envision. In this blog, we will look at the third pillar of MW2063: Urbanisation.
Holidays in Malawi
Holidays are here again and we are so excited! Most of our team is taking time off with their families and loved ones, so please enjoy this blog while we are away. Celebrate the holidays with us the Malawian way!
The Culture of Malawi: Malawian Religions
Introducing you to the culture of Malawi through a series of articles! The culture of Malawi is strong in spirituality and most people are active in religious groups. We’ll tell you about Malawi’s main religions and the people who practice them. Read on for more.