Orant is proud to announce the opening of The Kabuluzi Piped Water Project, which we are sharing with you today in this article from our partners Opulence Malawi. Take a look!
Madzi ndi Moyo: Water is Life

“Madzi ndi Moyo,” says Chief Kuliyani.
Water is life.
It is no wonder that humans across cultures have spiritual rituals connected to this life-giving resource. Water is the source and reason for baptisms, dances, songs, prayers, and pilgrimages. 71% of our planet’s surface is covered with water. Over 50% of our human bodies are made of water. Water quenches our thirst, grows our crops, and cleans our hands.
But safe drinking water isn’t accessible to everyone in the world.
According to a report by USAID, about 4 million people in Malawi still lack access to clean water.
In Kuliyani Village in Central Malawi, Melina Maiko reflects on the gift of water.
For all of Melina’s life, her community was prone to waterborne diseases due to lack of safe drinking water.
“We used to drink water from this pump,” she says. “Women would get here in small groups for safety since the place is bushy and scary.”

They walked 2.5 kilometers away in search of water. Once they gathered the water, they had to carry it home. This cost them time in the fields, at home, or at school.
“During the dry season,” Melina says, “we were forced to drink unsafe water. The safe water source was too far away. As a result, diarrhea was the order of the day, especially in our kids.”
In May of 2022, Orant's WASH Program drilled a new borehole in Melina's community, benefitting an estimated 300 people.
WASH Program Manager Mayamiko Mwenda says, “We strive to reduce the morbidity and mortality that results from poor sanitation and unsafe water.”
“The gift of water means life to me and my people,” says the village chief.
“Now our kids are healthy and happy,” says Melina.

Thanks to funds from donors, Orant Charities Africa drills new boreholes, repairs and maintains boreholes, provides WASH training, and equips communities with sanitation information.
Learn more about Orant’s Water Program here.
The Orant Journal
A Gift of Water to Kanono Village
Recently, through donations from our generous supporters, our WASH Program brought clean water to Kanono village, a community in our catchment area. Read our latest blog article to discover the profound impact this gift has had on people from Kanono village.
Water Well Maintenance
At the heart of Orant’s programs and initiatives is sustainability, which is also one of our values. We believe in not only implementing programs or initiatives but also in creating long-lasting change that will continue to serve our community. In today's blog article, we talk about why we perform maintenance on water wells and how it contributes to the sustainability of our Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program.
Commemorating World Water Day 2024
Every year on the 22nd of March, the world commemorates World Water Day as a way of raising awareness of major water-related issues and to inspire action to tackle the water and sanitation crisis. This year’s World Water Day is themed “Water for Peace.” Read our blog article to learn more about what our WASH program is doing to promote peace and foster harmony.
Ensuring WASH Program Sustainability Through Water Point Committees
We are excited to have trained the Chika Water Point Committee (WPC) as a way of ensuring sustainability. Read our latest blog to learn more about WPCs and the role they play.
The Challenge of Accessing Clean Water in Rural Malawi
We are excited to tell you about the new borehole our WASH program has drilled in Chika Village, T/A Njombwa in Kasungu. Read our latest blog to learn more about how this new borehole will change the lives of people in Chika Village.
Improving Health and Hygiene for Students in Malawi
Our Water and Sanitation program continues to make a significant difference in the lives of students in rural Malawi. Read our latest blog to learn about how we support hygiene initiatives in primary schools in Dowa, Malawi.
A Water Problem is a Life Problem: Interview with Yona Maloto
Yona Maloto has been a Water Field Assistant for Orant's Water & Sanitation Program since 2020. We interviewed him to learn more about his work.
Water is an Issue of Gender
Clean water is a gendered issue in Malawi. Women and girls bear the brunt of the water burden. Malita Chimbalame tells her story.
Making Clean Water Accessible in Malawi
Orant makes clean water accessible in rural Malawi by drilling and maintaining boreholes. In 2021, Orant drilled 15 new boreholes.