Water & Sanitation

About 20% of Malawians don’t have basic water supply services. That is 4.5 million people. Even those who do have access to water must walk two kilometers to fetch it and carry it home. Most often this responsibility falls onto women and girls. 

Only about 6% of the population has access to improved sanitation facilities. Almost all children suffer complications from water-borne illnesses like diarrhea.

Orant’s Water Program:

  • drills and repairs wells 
  • runs community sanitation campaigns
  • delivers health education
  • trains communities in water treatment  
  • builds latrines and menstrual hygiene facilities 

Orant’s Water & Sanitation Program is nationally recognized. We are part of WESNET (Water Environmental Sanitation Network) and have contributed to developing national water and sanitation policies.

masks chayamba school girls

Stories From The Field