Up Close Look at Orant's Mobile Outreach Clinic

Orant’s Mobile Outreach Clinic is a healthcare facility on wheels. Every morning, the mobile team drives to hard-to-reach rural areas. At each village, they unpack their vehicle and set up shop. Our Mobile Outreach Clinic makes healthcare accessible to patients who live up to 2 hours’ walking distance to the nearest static clinic or hospital.

The Mobile Outreach Clinic team is a well-oiled machine. They work efficiently and joyfully together to deliver quality healthcare. 

Because the Mobile Outreach Clinic travels, cleanliness and organization are of the utmost importance. 

In the above picture, Memory conducts a hemoglobin test on Lotiwell Chirwa. Lotiwell is 5 years old. He has sickle cell disease. On his first Mobile Clinic visit, he was critically ill and weak. His hemoglobin level was at 4.3. A person his age should be at no less than 11. Even worse, his condition makes him vulnerable to anemia and malaria.
Orant assisted Lotiwell with medication and supplements. Our clinicians referred him to Kasungu District Health Office for a blood transfusion. 
A month later, Lotiwell returned to the Mobile Outreach Clinic. Thankfully, his condition had greatly improved. His hemoglobin level had nearly doubled, reading at 7.9.
“Lotiwell is now very healthy,” his mother says, “He is no longer so weak. For the first time in his life, he’s been able to go to school.”

Each patient gets a blood pressure check-up as part of our standard primary care. 

Malaria tests require a quick prick of the finger. Within minutes, the test shows results. Testing and treating malaria only costs about USD$1. However, many people would go untreated if not for Orant. Malaria can keep a person bedridden for three weeks. For children under five years old, malaria can lead to death. Orant’s Mobile team treats about 400 people a day during the malaria season. 

Orant’s Mobile Outreach Clinic travels with a fully stocked pharmacy. Pharmacists carefully count out prescribed medicines. Then, they communicate dosage and frequency to patients. 

Above, a patient receives scabies medication. During the lean season, scabies outbreaks are common because households lack food and diversified diets.

The Orant Journal