As the backbone of Malawi's economy, agriculture accounts for approximately 30% of the country's Gross Domestic Product. It is the primary source of livelihood for many rural Malawians, who solely rely on farming to make ends meet. However, the journey to a successful harvest is never easy for these rural farmers, who face numerous challenges that threaten their livelihoods. In this week's blog article, we delve into the current challenges facing Malawi’s rural farmers this farming season.
The Orant Farm and Agriculture Demonstration Plot
The Orant Farm
The 33 acre Orant Farm is located behind our campus in Kasese. Most of the farm is used to work with local farming families. Orant helps farmers develop the skills to farm for business instead of just for food.
The remaining land is planted by Orant staff to provide extra food during the lean season.
Agriculture Demonstration Plot and Farm Day
Each year in March, Orant invites hundreds of farmers and the local chiefs to our campus. They review different seeds and fertilizers that were used on the demonstration plot. Together, they discuss the importance of fertilizer and being a proactive farmer. Finally, we make important announcements regarding health and safety and perform skits that emphasize the importance of being a proactive farmer.
Local Orant-sponsored “lead farmers” guide other farmers throughout the year with advice and assistance.
Photo Credit: Gift Mgunda

We have been supporting the Bowe Mission Farmer’s Association (BOMFA) since Orant Charities Africa was founded. BOMFA is a farmers cooperative that organizes seed and fertilizer distribution to its farmers and helps them sell and transport their crops in bulk. BOMFA supports farmer clubs and contributes to building a more stable community.

FEM for Women
Our FEM for Women Program supports local women entrepreneurs with microloans. These loans financially empower women in the community and at home. Many of our members improve their family’s living situation and pay for their childrens’ schooling with their profits.

Irrigation Clubs
Orant sponsors and manages 14 irrigation clubs in our Kasese operations area. These clubs are supplied with the skills and supplies necessary to plant and harvest multiple crops per year, helping them develop prosperity and wealth.
Stories From The Field
Transforming Lives with Mwayiwathu Farming Club
We are happy to announce the graduation of our Mwayiwathu Farming Club. This group has experienced so much transformation over the past 3 years we have worked with them and we are now in the process of selecting our second cohort. Read our blog article for inspiring stories from Mwayiwathu!
A Visit to the Orant Agroecological Demonstration Farm
The Orant Agroecological Demonstration Farm produces strong, nutritious crops using natural farming techniques. See some photos from the farm here!
The Bittersweet Harvest Follow-Up
Do you remember Cellina’s experience with drought and her story of perseverance? This week we visited Cellina to learn more and catch up on how she and her family have been surviving on the 15 bags of maize she realized from her 2 acre field. Read today’s blog article to catch up on Cellina’s journey.
The Bittersweet Harvest
In this week’s blog article, we talk to Cellina Samson, a lead farmer from Mantchondo village in Dowa District. Cellina shares her farming journey and experience for the 2023/24 farming season. Visit today’s blog article and read Cellina’s story and how she is crossing the bridge of uncertainty, one step at a time.
The Life of a Subsistence Farmer in Rural Malawi
In Malawi, there is a famous saying that goes “Chuma chili mu nthaka” meaning “there is money in farming,” or in other words, “wealth lies in farming.” This saying is true for Malawi as farming is the backbone of the economy, with 85% of the population highly dependent on it. However, as much as most Malawians are involved in agriculture, they suffer persistent food shortages. This is because many smallholder farmers depend on rainfed and low-cost subsistence farming to meet their food needs. In this week’s article, we will explore what the life of a subsistence farmer looks like in the rural part of Malawi, in Dowa district near Orant’s headquarters.
Expanding Solar Power at Orant Charities
As Orant renovates our campus in Kasese, we find a need for more consistent power supply. Working with Green Impact Technologies, we will be installing solar power onto our campus. Read more about the project here!
An Agroecology Project to Build Agriculture Resiliency in Malawi
Orant is always excited about the progress and the fruits our Irrigation clubs bear. We are happy seeing people's lives transformed through different initiatives from our Irrigation clubs. However, we understand that all this would not be possible without the commitment of individuals from the communities who work tirelessly to make sure that their communities are transformed. In this blog, we meet Christina Lemani, the chairperson for Madzimayera Irrigation Club.
Irrigation Clubs at Work in Malawi
Orant is always excited about the progress and the fruits our Irrigation clubs bear. We are happy seeing people's lives transformed through different initiatives from our Irrigation clubs. However, we understand that all this would not be possible without the commitment of individuals from the communities who work tirelessly to make sure that their communities are transformed. In this blog, we meet Christina Lemani, the chairperson for Madzimayera Irrigation Club.
Microloans and Building Business Skills in Malawi
At the end of 2022 we introduced our third group of our Financial Empowering Microloan (FEM) for Women group called Takondwa. Read our latest blog, as Magret Moffat, one of the group's beneficiaries, tells a story of how the program has already transformed her life through loans and business skills training.