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How You Can Help Today
- Orant Charities is a growing organization. If you’ve been moved by our impact and stories, please share our organization and work with those close to you.
- Try sharing your favorite story from our Blog with a friend or family member to introduce them to what we do.
- Join our community on social media and help us grow it!
Why Orant?
We’re small, but we’re efficient
- 90% of all donations go directly into operations and the other 10% into management and administration expenses. Orant Charities Africa spends less than 1% of its budget on fundraising efforts.
- 100% of all donations made to a specific program go directly into operations. If you would like to sponsor a child’s schooling or help us build a well, let us know and we’ll make sure your donation goes exactly where you want to help.
See your impact in the world
- Since we’re a rather small charity operating in a very needy select area, our programs and their impact are very visible. We’re saving and changing lives every day and seeing it with our own eyes.
Visit us in Malawi
- If you’re passionate about helping people and want to come visit our campus in Malawi, send us an email and we’ll figure out how to make it work!