Today, we are excited to kick off our celebration of International Women's Day! We are honoring the incredible achievements of women worldwide, acknowledging the obstacles they face, and advocating for a more just and equitable society. This year's theme, "For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment," calls for collective action to unlock equal rights, power, and opportunities for all, ensuring a future where no one is left behind. At Orant, we're committed to empowering rural women in our community. Read our latest blog article to discover the ways we're working towards a more equitable future for all.
Digital Financial Literacy in Malawi
Hey Sister! Show Me the Mobile Money!

Orant received a small grant of $4k from USAID through Strategic Impact Advisors. With this award, we are integrating the digital financial literacy curriculum, Hey Sister! Show Me the Mobile Money! into our women’s economic empowerment programs.
While Malawi is advancing its digital financial services, the adoption rate among women is minimal. The Hey Sister! campaign aims to change that. The campaign goal is to increase women’s access and use of digital financial services like mobile money. Access is the first step to agency.
So far, we’ve trained 21 program facilitators. They have reached about 3,500 people in the Dowa District, 89% of which are women. The Hey Sister! curriculum covers:
- Basic mobile money transactions
- Loans, savings, insurance, and budgeting
- Privacy and scams
- Using a smartphone effectively
- Tips for entrepreneurs
To engage participants, our facilitators use a participatory learning approach. In other words, they encourage women to speak out and share their own stories. One such story comes from Esther Mdzukulu.
“I received an anonymous call from someone who claimed that I had won a motorcycle. They asked me to send a sum of 50,000 for transportation,” she explains. For people who don’t know how to spot a scam, traps like these are a huge threat. “Fraud is real,” Esther says, “This training session is an eye opener to most of us.”
Trainings have been eye-opening for participants in other ways, too. At Orant’s Timvane Irrigation Club, Selina Samson talks plans for savings. “Our club makes good money each year, but then we keep the money at our houses. As a result, we end up spending it fast,” she says. “But because of Hey Sister, we agreed to make a change in the 2022 farming season. We’ll continue to grow and sell tomatoes, but this time we’ll use Airtel to save the profits. That way, we can see what kind of profit we made. Then we can do something tangible with the money we sweat for.”
While Orant has had successes with the Hey Sister! campaign, we’ve also had challenges. Many rural women don’t have mobile phones. Often, this is because their male partners don’t allow it. Alone, women can’t always afford mobile devices.
To overcome this challenge, we’re making our trainings gender inclusive. We hope that, because of the curriculum, men will begin to lovingly support the inclusion of their partners, mothers, and sisters in family finances. Both men and women in rural Malawi need an understanding of digital financial literacy. And both can help spread the knowledge to their friends and family.
In the words of Melinda Gates, “the old financial system was built to exclude.” But now, digital financial services offer new opportunities. We can build a system that empowers everyone. A system that includes the poor. Includes women. And includes rural communities.
The Orant Journal
Introducing the Umodzi Village Business Manual
It's been a while since we last shared an update on our Mobile Outreach clinic, but rest assured that our team has been working tirelessly to deliver healthcare services to hard-to-reach populations. Despite the challenges posed by the rainy season, our clinic remains in full swing, with our team venturing out every day to bring medical care to those who need it most. In today's blog, we highlight the significance of our Mobile Outreach clinic during this rainy season, and its impact on the communities we serve.
Unlocking Digital Financial Literacy in Rural Malawi
In today's fast-paced world, digital financial literacy is more important than ever. It is essential for saving time and resources, as most financial transactions have gone digital. This week, our Business Development program launched a digital financial literacy campaign, building on our previous "Hey Sister! Show me your mobile money" campaign. Read our latest blog article to learn more about this campaign and its impact on our communities.
Empowering Women Through Village Savings and Loans
These beaming smiles belong to our Tikondane Village Savings and Loan (VSL) group members, who have just harvested the fruits of their labor after a year of hard work and diligent saving. Through our VSL program, these incredible individuals have learned the value of saving, budgeting, and investing in the future of their families. Click the link below to learn more about how VSLs work and hear incredible stories from these women.
Empowering Women, Transforming Lives
We are so happy about the strides our Business Development Program is making. In today’s post, we share the story of Judith Kachala, a Financially Empowering Microloans (FEM) for Women program cohort 3 member. Judith’s story is a testament to the power of hard work and determination. Read our latest blog to learn more about Judith’s story.
Evolution of Orant’s FEM Program
At Orant, we are committed to supporting local entrepreneurs, especially women. This is what spurred us to start our Financial Empowering Microloans (FEM) program in 2017. However, we came to realize that our program participants needed more comprehensive support to achieve sustainable growth. This is why we are excited to announce the evolution of our FEM program into what we now call Business Development Program!. Read our latest blog to learn more about this evolution.
Women’s History Month with FEM for Women
Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month. In this month, we honour and celebrate women’s contributions to history and contemporary society. In today's blog, we talk with women from our FEM program, and they highlight the roles they play in their families and Kasese community. Read the blog article to learn more!
Celebrating 5 Years of FEM for Women
Learn how to make this favorite Malawian dish, Mpiru Otendera. One of Malawi’s most popular recipes, Mpiru Otendera (mustard greens with peanut flour) is a nutritious and filling recipe that goes well with many meals.
Transforming the Lives of Women in Rural Malawi
In rural Malawi, pregnant women face many challenges including lack of access to prenatal care, poor nutrition, and lack of safe spaces to deliver their babies. Orant is working to change that with the renovation of our maternity ward. Read about it in this week’s blog.
Growing Malawi’s Economy through Orant’s FEM Program
Read our latest blog to learn more about how our Financial Empowering Microloans (FEM) for Women program serves the Kasese community and helps to lift a heavy burden off the community’s shoulders.