Read more about the article The Challenge of Accessing Clean Water in Rural Malawi
The Challenge of Accessing Clean Water in Rural Malawi

The Challenge of Accessing Clean Water in Rural Malawi

  • Post category:Water & Sanitation
  • Reading time:9 mins read

We are excited to tell you about the new borehole our WASH program has drilled in Chika Village, T/A Njombwa in Kasungu. Read our latest blog to learn more about how this new borehole will change the lives of people in Chika Village.

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Motivating Pregnant Women in Rural Malawi to Attend Antenatal Clinics

  • Post category:Healthcare
  • Reading time:7 mins read

One of the greatest challenges that our Healthcare program faces is women starting antenatal care too late in their pregnancy. This puts the lives of pregnant mothers and their unborn babies at risk. Read our latest blog to learn about what our Healthcare program is doing to motivate pregnant mothers to start attending antenatal care as soon as they find out that they are pregnant.

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Read more about the article Microloans and Building Business Skills in Malawi
Microloans and Building Business Skills in Malawi

Microloans and Building Business Skills in Malawi

At the end of 2022 we introduced our third group of our Financial Empowering Microloan (FEM) for Women group called Takondwa. Read our latest blog, as Magret Moffat, one of the group's beneficiaries, tells a story of how the program has already transformed her life through loans and business skills training.

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Read more about the article Cash Crops in Malawi
farmers in rural malawi

Cash Crops in Malawi

  • Post category:Agriculture
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Who grows cash crops in Malawi? What are the best cash crops for the climate and soil? Which are most profitable? We interviewed Orant’s Agriculture Extension Officer Gracious Msimuko for expert insight.

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