Cervical Cancer Campaigns

Raising Awareness in Rural Malawi

Ravena Brino from Chiliphiza Village, T/A Chakhaza, proud to have gotten screened!

This week, Orant’s Healthcare Program started Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaigns. Nurses Thomas and Mary are working with Health Surveillance Assistants to raise awareness, conduct screening, and deliver immunizations.

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer occurs in the cells of a woman’s cervix. Its main cause is the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection.

Why is Orant’s Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign important?

According to a report by the National Library of Medicine, Malawi has the highest cervical cancer incidence and mortality rate globally. Cervical cancer accounts for 45.4 % of all cancers in women. Cases increase every year. 

Rural women are at high risk of contracting cervical cancer. Often, they aren’t diagnosed until a late stage. Or they’re never diagnosed at all. Usually, this is due to lack of awareness.

Our campaigns ensure that every woman, despite where she comes from, has a chance to get screened. Women who cannot afford to visit a health facility will be treated in the comfort of their communities. 

“At first, girls and women were resistant to being screened,” says Nurse Mary Kadzola. “But with community sensitization and intensified advocacy, more people are coming for screening.”

Who should be screened?

All women who are sexually active. 

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

In its early stages, cervical cancer may not cause signs and symptoms. Advanced cervical cancer may cause bleeding or discharge from the vagina that isn’t normal, such as bleeding after sex. 

Where can I find more information?

Read this blog to learn why to get tested and what to expect. 

Read this blog for one woman’s experience with cervical cancer.

The Orant Journal