Jean Nyasulu joined Orant Charities Africa in 2023 as our Human Resources Manager. Learn more in her staff highlight.
Staff Highlight: James Mwambene

James Mwambene joined Orant’s team as our Healthcare Program Manager. He is passionate about helping people, especially the underserved, access social services.
James is a certified clinical officer with extensive experience in Malawi. He holds a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Administration and Policy and is currently pursuing his PhD. Additionally, James has over 16 years of experience in the healthcare sector.
Prior to employment with Orant, James worked as a short term Program Manager for Malawi AIDS Counseling Resource Organization. For 7 years, he worked for Partners in Hope, in part as a Program Manager. He also spent time with Dignitas International, Kamuzu University of Health Sciences, Malawi Ministry of Health, and Farmers Financing Company.
At Orant, James works with 30 medical personnel to ensure efficiency and professionality. “I am very happy working with Orant Charities Africa,” James says. “Its vision and mission is in line with my passion.”
Please join us in welcoming James to our team!
The Orant Journal
Staff Highlight: MacPherson Chigwenembe
MacPherson Chigwenembe joined Orant Charities Africa in July 2022 as a clinician at Kasese Health Center. Learn more in his staff highlight.
Staff Highlight: Praise Padambo
Praise Padambo is the new Communications Officer for Orant Charities Africa, a Malawian non-profit organization.
Staff Highlight: Ronald Makamba
Ronald Makamba, Orant's first Data Officer, joined the Orant team in April. He is passionate about solving real problems with technology.
Staff Highlight: Tango Phiri
Tango Phiri will manage Orant's Financially Empowering Microloans for Women Program, building opportunities for the rural poor in Malawi.
Staff Highlight: Fyness Tchwango Mulande
Orant’s mission to improve lives resonates with Fyness Tchawango Mulande. Mulande is the Finance and Administration Officer at Orant Charities Africa.
Staff Highlight – Mayamiko Mwenda
Mayamiko Mwenda is the Water & Sanitation Program Manager at Orant Charities Africa. Mayamiko graduated from Mzuzu University with a degree in Water Resources Management.
Staff Highlight – Gabriel Kapanda Jr. – Country Director
Gabriel Kapanda Jr. is the Country Director for Orant Charities Africa, husband to Chikondi, and father to Jotham. Gabriel holds a bachelor's degree in Water Resource Management and Development.
Staff Highlight – Lonjezo Chauya – Education Program Manager
Lonjezo Chauya is the Education Program Manager and has been with Orant Charities Africa since 2017. Lonjezo holds a Bachelor of Education Degree in Business Studies from the University of Malawi, The Polytechnic.