What does Orant mean?

What “Orant” means for our mission

Author: Molly Horn-Smith

What does Orant mean?

The word “orant,” for which Orant Charities is named, has a deeply spiritual definition. Represented in early Christian art, “orant” refers to a figure, usually female, standing with their arms stretched upward in prayer. The word “orant” comes from Medieval Latin, meaning “to plead.” A figure reaching upward to the heavens, asking the Lord for an answered prayer or, today, giving thanks.

Orant Charities was founded by two men who hold their faith close to their hearts, men for whom Christ became a motivation to a higher cause. A mission to which they would dedicate their time and years of their lives. Michael Tenny and Seth Morgan founded Orant Charities 18 years ago this month, putting their faith in the Lord at the forefront of their work, and believing that this faith would see them through the years of work that lay ahead. And they were right. 

Orant Charities has been successful over the last 18 years due in no small measure to the faith of our founders, our Board of Directors, our donors and sponsors, and the belief in a greater good that motivates our work. Orant shares Christian values and faith is a strong motivator, and we seek to share the passion of Michael and Seth in every step we take along this journey.

We are thankful for the hard work and dedication of our team of employees in Malawi who have been steadfast, loyal, and successful at carrying our mission to the people of Malawi. This mission would not exist without their contributions. We also thank our team in the US who carry on the work of Orant day in and day out. Finally, we want to thank the people of Malawi, who have opened their hearts and arms to us, and who have shown grit and determination every day to succeed and not let the struggles of poverty and climate change discourage them. They are our heroes, showing us every day why we are here and why we keep this mission alive.

Whether you have been alongside us for 18 years or just joined us yesterday, we thank you. In this season of Thanksgiving, we give thanks for you, raising our arms heavenward in gratitude and recognition of the time, effort, and devotion you have offered to us and to the people of Malawi. We are indebted to you. 

The Orant Journal