The Bittersweet Harvest Follow-Up

Visiting with Cellina

Praises Padambo Author: Praises Padambo

Cellina shows some of the maize flour she has milled.

The Bittersweet Harvest Follow-Up

The 2023 farming season was a disaster, leaving many farmers worried and without hope. The El Nino-induced drought disaster affected 2 million farming households, causing widespread devastation. Cellina, a determined farmer, faced her share of challenges when her initial crops were scorched by the heat. Despite that, she replanted with low-quality seeds, harvesting 15 bags of maize from her 2-acre field.

As she continues to walk in the path of uncertainty and perseverance, she cannot ignore her fears of thinking of where her family meals will come from in the next coming months.

The five remaining bags of maize flour.

Visiting with Cellina

“As I speak, our food situation is getting tight. We’re down to just 5 bags of maize flour from the  15 bags of maize we harvested, which I hope will sustain us for the next 2 months.”

Cellina shares how she decided  to convert 8 bags of her remaining maize into the 5 bags of flour she has as she wanted to safeguard against potential financial uncertainty and the risk of selling some of her maize. She also wanted to stock up on flour, fearing that there might be days when she couldn’t afford to get her maize milled.

As she puts it, “When I received some decent earnings from a piecework job, I decided to invest in making maize flour. This way, I will not have to worry about finding money for maize meal on top of worrying about getting maize for the next few months.”

The seed that Cellina has held back for next year.

Looking Forward

Cellina estimates that her current maize flour stock will last until the end of November. With no other sources of income, she’s relying on piecework and selling firewood to make ends meet and buy maize for her family until the next harvest. 

Despite the challenges, Cellina remains optimistic, taking each day as it comes. She is already looking ahead to this year’s farming season, despite last season’s disappointing rains. She has already prepared her seeds and is hopeful for a better outcome. 

Be on the lookout for our next blog articles as we will be checking in with Cellina again  to see how her journey unfolds.

Cellina’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and determination in the face of challenges. Despite the devastating effects of the drought, she refused to give up on her family’s well-being. Her resourcefulness and adaptability serve as an inspiration to us all, reminding us that even in the darkest moments, there is always hope.

The Orant Journal