Staff Highlight:
Fyness Tchwango Mulande


Orant’s mission to improve lives resonates with Fyness Tchawango Mulande. Mulande is passionate about helping people. She is excited to be a part of Orant’s team. 

Mulande joined Orant Charities Africa in June 2020. Orant hired her for the role of Finance and Administration Officer. She holds a Diploma in Financial Accounting. She has over 3 years of work experience. While working for Seed Trade Association of Malawi, Mulande developed skills as a Finance and Administration Assistant. In this role, she executed donor-funded projects in the Agriculture Sector. 

At Orant, Mulande plans to maximize efficiency. She will implement a new accounting system. She will offer financial and administrative support to each of Orant’s programs.

Outside of work, Mulande likes to spend her free time with family and friends. She enjoys listening to music, dancing, traveling, and baking. She’s happily married to her husband Paul Mulande.

The Orant Journal