Orant’s Values and How We Live By Them

Orant’s Values are: Community, Collaboration, Service, Respect, Sustainability

Author: John Tenny

Although Orant is not a religiously affiliated organization, Orant is inspired by Christian principles. These principles have informed our values and continue to guide the work that we do today.

Our values begin with Respect. Respect means respect for others, respect for oneself. Respect is the recognition that others are different than we are, but that everyone is worthy of love, patience, and kindness.

Service is the core of what Orant does. Orant selflessly serves the community where we work. We give our time, money, and hard work to our neighbors. In doing so, we also expect that those we serve will give back to the community and serve others.

Orant could not exist without Collaboration. Collaboration means building friendships and partnerships locally and internationally. It means teaching and learning. Collaboration creates avenues for growth and success.

Orant strives for Sustainability in all we do. Without a sustainable mindset, neither our organization nor the world have a future. Sustainability in our programming, finance, and ecological impact are our north stars.

Everything Orant does comes back to Community. Our community in Malawi inspires our work and our international community helps us do it. Without the people that make up this organization, we would be nothing. So, thank you for all that you do!

To summarize and put our values into perspective, we use a phrase: 

“Orant respectfully serves and collaborates with our community in a sustainable way.”

The Orant Journal