Healthcare that Treats the Whole Person

Angella Samson's Story

Angella Samson and mother

Aged 9, Angella Samson hails from Chilola village in Dowa, T/A Chakhaza.

She was born a healthy child at Kasese Health Center. But when she turned 5 months, her mother noticed something unusual. Angella’s forehead started swelling.

“My friends told me my child had been bewitched,” Angella’s mother says. “I was advised to see a traditional doctor.”

Proactive, she followed her friends’ advice. She went to various traditional doctors. Nothing helped. When Angella turned 8 months old, her condition escalated. Angella’s mother took her to Kasese Health Center. There, clinicians referred Angella to Kamuzu Central Hospital for further examination.

At the hospital, doctors diagnosed Angella with hydrocephalus condition. Fluid buildup in the cavities of her brain. This required treatments and therapies.

From 8 months old, Angella needed to visit Kamuzu Central Hospital for frequent checkups and treatments. 

“Angella’s condition meant an extra burden on our shoulders,” says Angella’s mother. “She requires special attention and care. My husband and I solely depend on farming. We couldn’t afford money for transportation for Angella’s treatment.”

Orant stepped in to help.

“I am glad that Orant came through for us,” says Angella’s mother. “They have always provided us with money for transportation” 

Angella is now sitting and feeding herself – each a milestone. 

This week, Orant’s Healthcare Program donated a wheelchair to Angella.

“I am so grateful for this,” says her mother. “We used to leave Angella home alone when going to the field. It was unsafe for her. This wheelchair means a lot. We will now be able to take her with us.” 

The wheelchair will also help Angella start school.

“I am so excited to go to school and learn,” she says.

Orant’s Healthcare Program does more than treat illness. We treat the whole person. No money to travel for medicine? We take that into account. What’s happening at home? That matters, too. We find the solutions needed for our patients to live healthy, safe lives. 

Read more stories from Orant’s Healthcare Programs here.   

The Orant Journal