A New Era for Kabuluzi Primary School

Praises Padambo Author: Praises Padambo

Orant’s School Survey Results

Recently, our Education Program underwent a significant transformation, marking a new chapter in our mission to make a lasting impact in the lives of students. We shifted our focus from solely supporting individual students to supporting schools, providing them with essential resources and renovations. We believe this will enable us to reach out to many more students, fostering a more comprehensive and sustainable approach in our Education Program.

The results we got from the survey are eye-opening and will guide us in making necessary decisions in supporting schools. Our first project from the survey results is the renovation of Kabuluzi Primary School. This institution, like many others, faces challenges that hinder its ability to provide an optimal learning environment. Our team is working tirelessly to address these challenges, ensuring that the school receives the necessary upgrades to foster academic excellence.

A New Era for Kabuluzi Primary School

The renovation of Kabuluzi Primary School will involve getting rid of termites which for so long have been greatly affecting the school infrastructure, as well as making general renovations for the classrooms as well as the staffroom. These improvements will be made with the help and involvement of the community who will contribute their labour and some building materials.

The renovation project is more than just a physical transformation; it is a symbol of hope and a commitment to the future of education. This does not only mean upgrading infrastructure but it is also an empowerment to teachers and an inspiration to  students.

The renovation will also help in:

  • Enhancing the learning experience for hundreds of students
  • Fostering community pride
  • Encourage a culture of collective responsibility

Moving forward, our Education Program will continue supporting other schools that require support as per the survey results. Our team looks forward to a future where learners have a conducive learning environment with all required resources.

Stay tuned for updates on our progress and the stories of the incredible individuals we are privileged to support.

The Orant Journal