A Visit to the Orant Agroecological Demonstration Farm

Author: Molly Horn

Trees growing on the farm.

A Visit to the Orant Agroecological Demonstration Farm

This past season, our US staff visited the Orant Agroecological Demonstration Farm in Malawi to learn about the techniques being used there. Here, we share some photos from that visit.

The Orant Agroecological Demonstration Farm exists to experiment with natural growing techniques which can then be taught to local farmers for use in their own fields. Some of these techniques include organic farming (no use of pesticides or other harmful chemicals); holistic farming methods that seek to harmonize the relationship between man and nature; climate change resilience; biodiversity; and improved nutritional content of food. Agroecology is a method of farming that seeks a balance between humankind, animal life, and nature. You can read more about agroecology in our previous blog.

Orant’s Agriculture Manager, Gracious Msimuko, gave us a tour of the farm and showed us many of the techniques being used for sustainable farming. Orant harvests the food from this farm and gives it to pregnant and nursing mothers in our maternity ward so that they will have nutritious meals. Additionally, some of the food is sold at the local market and the profits are given back to Orant’s programs.

Giant bamboo is being grown to eventually be used for firewood. Giant bamboo is a renewable resource since it grows so quickly and readily in the soil in Malawi, easily reproducing after being harvested.

Last season’s maize husks and stalks are used as groundcover for growing plants, keeping them safe from the elements and their roots moist.

Gracious checks the growth of one of the trees to ensure it is strong. These trees were planted only one year ago – look at how much they have grown!

New sprouts come up through the soil, soon to become full grown plants!

Mbeya fertilizer is made from natural materials. Orant teaches classes to local farmers every season on how to make this useful fertilizer.

Seeds held back from last season’s harvest will be used in planting next season’s crops.

Baby pineapples are started in small pots, later to be transferred to the ground.

A papaya tree is full of delicious fruit!

Orant’s farm staff waters the field, ensuring the crop will grow.

The Orant Journal