Read more about the article The Culture of Malawi: Chitenje Cloth and Traditional Dress
Chitenje Cloth and Traditional Dress 1

The Culture of Malawi: Chitenje Cloth and Traditional Dress

  • Post category:Malawi Stories
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Bright, colorful fabrics worn as skirts, headwraps, or even as baby carriers, chitenje cloth is part of the fabric of African life and reflects the rich cultural heritage of Malawi and other African countries. In this blog, we’ll explore how chitenje is used in Malawi.

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Read more about the article The Challenge of Accessing Clean Water in Rural Malawi
The Challenge of Accessing Clean Water in Rural Malawi

The Challenge of Accessing Clean Water in Rural Malawi

  • Post category:Water & Sanitation
  • Reading time:9 mins read

We are excited to tell you about the new borehole our WASH program has drilled in Chika Village, T/A Njombwa in Kasungu. Read our latest blog to learn more about how this new borehole will change the lives of people in Chika Village.

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Read more about the article Transforming the Lives of Women in Rural Malawi
Transforming the lives of women in rural Malawi

Transforming the Lives of Women in Rural Malawi

In rural Malawi, pregnant women face many challenges including lack of access to prenatal care, poor nutrition, and lack of safe spaces to deliver their babies. Orant is working to change that with the renovation of our maternity ward. Read about it in this week’s blog.

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Read more about the article The Culture of Malawi: Malawian Religions
The Culture of Malawi: Malawian Religions

The Culture of Malawi: Malawian Religions

Introducing you to the culture of Malawi through a series of articles! The culture of Malawi is strong in spirituality and most people are active in religious groups. We’ll tell you about Malawi’s main religions and the people who practice them. Read on for more.

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