Holiday Giving

Monthly Giving

Monthly donors provide Orant’s programs with consistent, reliable funds. Click below to become a monthly donor and receive a free Orant calendar!

Give the gift of clean water. Unsafe water is one of the biggest obstacles to the health of communities in the developing world. In Malawi, 4.5 million people do not have access to clean water. Almost all children suffer complications from water-borne illnesses. Your gift will help Orant drill wells, train communities in water treatment, and build latrines and menstrual hygiene facilities.

Save lives this holiday season by helping Orant provide critical healthcare to those most in need. Our static healthcare center and mobile outreach clinic treat tens of thousands of patients each year. Your support keeps our pharmacy fully stocked, and ensures patients have access to the high-quality care they need.  

Help families and female business owners provide for themselves and their communities. Donation go towards sustainably supporting communities in Malawi with farming skills development and microloan programs.

Give the gift of education this holiday season. With costly tuition after eighth grade, students often must return to their villages to farm or marry at a young age. With donation to Orant’s Education Program, you can give students the freedom to pave their own future and achieve the goals that they’ve always dreamed of. 

Stories from the Field