Cultivating a Savings Culture in Malawi
As a way of cultivating a saving culture in the FEM Program, Orant requires each cohort to establish a savings group. Why is this important? Find out here.
As a way of cultivating a saving culture in the FEM Program, Orant requires each cohort to establish a savings group. Why is this important? Find out here.
Insightful thoughts from Tango Phiri on Orant's Financially Empowering Microloans for Women Program.
The Orant Farm Project has transformed Teleza Manuwelo's life. With 2 acres for farming, Teleza earned enough income to feed her family.
Ireen Henderson is a participant of Orant's FEM for Women Program. With a microloan, she has diversified her small business to build stability for her family.
Learn how to make thobwa, one of Malawi’s common traditional beverages, with Maness Nkhoma's recipe. Maness is a FEM participant at Orant.
Everyone who shops at Kasese Trading Post knows Goodwell Chimwanza, the tinsmith. He is always smiling; hard at work.
Women Village Savings and Loan (VS&L) Groups cultivate a savings mindset in female entrepreneurs in Central Malawi.
Orant removes the barrier of impossible interest rates. Our FEM Program provides no-interest loans. Edilina Joshua is a FEM member.
Patricia Simbi escaped an abusive marriage. With the help of financially empowering microloans, she started her own business.
While Malawi is advancing its digital financial services, the adoption rate among women is minimal. A campaign aims to change that.